Community Update: State of Local Emergency Lifted

August 20, 2021


Community Memo: Lifting of State of Local Emergency (SOLE)


On April 3, 2020, the elected Leadership and the Pandemic Response Team announced that the community of Ugpi’ganjig would declare a State of Local Emergency (SOLE) under the Indian Act section 81.1. During this time, the community remained in a state of heightened response and action while navigating local, regional, and federal restrictions for 501 days.


This past Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Following the recommendation from the Pandemic Response Team, Chief and Council decided to lift the State of Local Emergency. This decision was made in conjunction with the Provincial Government’s decision to not renew the mandatory order on July 30, 2021 – transitioning the province to the green recovery phase.

“While we continue to navigate through our new normal, I remain confident our community members will react appropriately to the evolving situation in and outside of the community. With restrictions eased, we still urge community members that are exposed or develop symptoms to seek the advice of telecare 811. The health and safety of community members will always remain as our highest priority.”



Chief Sacha LaBillois-Kennedy

Eel River Bar First Nation