Update from the Ugpi’ganjig Health Centre regarding transition to community recovery orange phase
January 22, 2021
To: Staff and Community Members
From: Ugpi’ganjig Health Centre
Subject: Update regarding recovery transition to Orange (Fox) zone.
Staff and Community Members of Upgi’ganjig,
Effective midnight tonight, we are pleased to announce that Eel River Bar First Nation will transition to the ORANGE PHASE (FOX) of the Community’s Pandemic Plan. The hours of operations at Ugpi’ganjig Health Center will be modified as follows, beginning January 25th, 2021.
Hours of operations during the ORANGE PHASE will be;
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
We will be open to the public by appointment only, and we can be reached at 506-684-5002.
Tuesdays and Fridays the phone line will be accessible- 09:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
Nursing Services are available during business hours by calling the health center for an appointment, or reaching a nursing team member by a secure and confidential email at Covid.health@erbhealth.ca
or by the following cellular numbers.
Marylou LaBillois, RN 506-686-0667
Misty LaBillois, LPN 506-685-7047
Dr. Fontaine’s Clinic will be ongoing during the Orange Phase of recovery. The first resumed clinic on January 29th, 2021 will begin with clients who were canceled on January 8th, 2021.
For ANY Prescription Refills Marylou LaBillois, RN, can be reached to assist you with your medication needs. An appointment with the Doctor is not necessary for Prescription Refills.
Essential Services, Home and Community Care (personal Care) and Meals on Wheels will continue as usual. Water Sampling will continue.
Medical Transportation forms will be available for pick up and drop off. Medical disbursements (cheques) will be available for pick up on Thursdays from 2PM to 4PM.
Susan Plourde can be reached at 506-686-1425 for medical transportation questions or concerns.
ADAP Services will continue virtually. Please contact Dwayne Ward at 506-760-1126. The Coordinator of ADAP services, Donna Gauvin can be reached at the office.
Mental Health Services will continue in person or virtually, depending on your provider.
Glenda Wysote-LaBillois at 506-686-0596 or 506-684-3742
Kevin St. Laurent at 506-789-8884
Mawlugutineg Wellness Team at connectme@eelgroundhealthcentre.com
With increased cases of COVID-19 within the province, we must remind ourselves that we all have a role in keeping our families and community safe. By following the Public Health measures in place, we are doing our part in decreasing transmission of COVID-19.
Living through a Pandemic, for as long as we have been, can be overwhelming and stressful, affecting both our physical and mental health. If you are struggling, reach out to a trusted person, if you’re concerned about someone, reach in. A simple small gesture can have a lasting positive impact.
Hope for Wellness Helpline– offers immediate mental health counseling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous people across Canada: 1-855-242-3310
Together, we will get through this. Be Safe. Be Kind.
In Spirit of Health,
Lynn LaBillois
Lynn LaBillois, RN, Director of Health
Ugpi’ganjig Health Centre